5 Short stories about kindness for middle school (with beautiful images)

Yo, squad of do-gooders! Buckle up, cuz we’re about to blast off on a cosmic kindness crusade! You know, over a decade in the trenches as a teacher, I’ve seen it all: fist bumps of epic proportions, side-eye so icy it could freeze the Great Lakes. But here’s the real deal, peeps: kindness, that invisible force field of awesome, is the secret elixir that turns those awkward years into pure gold.

So, grab a metaphorical latte (cause caffeine fuels good deeds, obviously) and dig into these five short stories about kindness for middle school, from the frozen tundra of Canada to the sun-soaked shores of Cali. We’re talkin’ friendships forged in fire, rivals transformed into cheerleaders, and even a case of mysteriously reappearing mittens (magic, man, pure magic).

Get ready to witness how one tiny act of kindness can ignite a supernova of good vibes, maybe even setting off a chain reaction of awesomeness across the globe. So, strap on your empathy shields, young heroes, cuz the kindness adventure starts… NOW! Let’s get this party started!

Here’re the five short stories chock-full of kindness explosions

Girl in bright tracksuit throwing boomerang in ice skating rink.

The lost boomerang

Maya’s heart sunk like a stone in the Olympic pool. Her beloved boomerang, a gift from her grandpa, sailed past the hockey players, a defiant crimson streak against the white ice. Shame burned her cheeks, but tears welled up.

Just then, a boy in a Team Canada jersey, Daniel, stopped mid-skate, his stick a frozen wand. With a flick of his wrist, he snatched the boomerang mid-air, a magician catching a dove. Grinning, he skated to Maya, returning the treasure. Relief washed over her, warm and sweet like Tim Tams. In that moment, she realized kindness could cross oceans, and friendships could bloom on ice.


Sometimes, a helping hand comes from the unlikeliest of places, reminding us that kindness knows no boundaries.

A boy in London drizzle carrying grocery bags.

The rainy day surprise

Liam hugged the damp grocery bags closer, his shoes squelching with each anxious step. London streets glittered with rain-slicked cobblestones, mirroring his mood. Suddenly, an elderly woman in a floral raincoat fumbled, her bags spilling apples like scattered rubies. Without hesitation, Liam dove, gathering the groceries before they hit the pavement. He walked her home, ignoring the cold soaking his clothes.

The woman, Mrs. Peabody, a retired tea merchant, ushered him in, her eyes bright with gratitude. A steaming cup of Earl Grey warmed his hands, and a box of exotic loose-leaf tea, her personal blend, warmed his heart. Liam realized his act of kindness had brewed a beautiful connection, proving that even on a dreary day, a smile could make all the difference.


Even a simple gesture of support can bring unexpected joy and forge meaningful connections, reminding us that kindness can blossom even in the midst of rain.

A girl under spotlight playing piano.

The missing score

Sarah’s fingers trembled as she searched her backpack, frantic panic drumming in her chest. No music sheets. The city lights of New York seemed to mock her forgotten melody. Tears blurred her vision.

Just then, her rival, Emily, approached, her face etched with concern. Whispering in Sarah’s ear, Emily shared her own copy, a silent act of support. As Sarah took the stage, Emily’s notes whispered in her mind, guiding her fingers. The music soared, filling the auditorium with its bittersweet symphony.

With a shaky bow, Sarah dedicated the performance to Emily, their competition transformed into a duet of kindness. That day, Sarah learned that true rivals cheer each other on, that victories are sweeter when shared.


Competition can pave the way for unexpected kindness, reminding us that true champions support and uplift each other, making the victory even more meaningful

A little boy receiving skateboard with happiness.

The shared skateboard

Ethan eyed the dazzling grip tape with longing. His own board looked drab in comparison. But watching Alex, the new kid, struggle with his cracked board, Ethan’s priorities shifted. Ethan remembered his own frustration, the sting of worn wheels and faded graphics.

Instead of the fancy grip, he chose a bright new board for Alex. The joy that lit up Alex’s face as he carved his first line was more dazzling than any grip tape. Ethan grinned, the sun warming his chest, knowing that the greatest kickflip he could do was the one that landed happiness on someone else’s board.


True satisfaction comes from giving rather than receiving, reminding us that sharing our good fortune can bring greater joy than any material possession.

Girl shivering in snow.

The missing mitts

Emma shivered, her bare fingers stinging from the Canadian Rockies’ icy bite. Her breath puffed white clouds as she realized her forgotten mittens. Tears pricked her eyes. The charming souvenir shop seemed miles away, and her allowance wouldn’t cover another pair.

As she turned to leave, a gruff voice boomed, “Lost your mittens, eh?” Looking up, she saw the shopkeeper, Mr. Grizzly, his face rough as pine bark. To her surprise, he placed a pair of fluffy woolen mittens in her hand. “Winter bites everyone, little one,” he muttered, his voice softer than his beard.

Warmth flooded Emma’s cheeks, not just from the mittens, but from Mr. Grizzly’s unexpected kindness. She knew then that even in the coldest places, generosity could bloom like a wildflower, melting away frost and leaving trails of hope.


Unexpected kindness can blossom even in the most seemingly unwelcoming places, reminding us that compassion can melt away frost and warm hearts, even in the coldest winters.

Final thoughts

Woah, hold up, rewind for a sec! Did you just witness that epic kindness explosion?! From boomerangs flying in Canada to boards shared in Cali, these short stories about kindness for middle school dropped a truth bomb: even the tiniest good deed can blow up bigger than a supernova, spreading empathy like wildfire!

So, listen up: kindness ain’t just about hero speeches and saving kittens – it’s about holding the door for a fellow squad member, lending an ear that’s all yours, or flashing a smile brighter than a disco ball. Let’s make the world a kinder, cooler place, one high five at a time! Peace out, good vibes only!

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